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Laramie Legion Baseball

Laramie Legion Baseball



Below you will find general information about the Laramie Rangers.  Additionally, don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or need more information.

Details for league events and activities will be shared via email, on our website, and on social media channels as appropriate.

Fall Assessments will take place.

Online registration opens. 
Non-Refundable registration fee is $75 and will increase to $125 after December 15.  No registrations will be accepted after December 31.

Board elections will take place.
Vice President (elected in odd years; 2-year term)
Secretary (elected in odd years; 2-year term)
Treasurer (elected in even years; 2-year term)
AA Team Parent Representative (elected each year; voting board member)
A & C Team Parent Representatives (elected each year; non-voting board member)

Payments may be submitted any time before March 31 via mail or Venmo to fulfill player fee obligations.


Practice will be held indoors 2-3 times per week as facility availability allows.  Players are encouraged to join as they are able while working around schedules for other sports.

Sponsorship information will be distributed.  Contact the Vice President with any questions.
300 Club tickets will be distributed.  This is a required fundraiser for all players.


Player fees are due in full.  Contact the Treasurer with any questions.

As weather allows, practices will move outside and be held 4-5 times per week.  These are mandatory and should be a priority for players.

Game schedules will be shared as soon as they are complete. 
Each game day typically includes 2, 7-inning games and can take place any day of the week.
Games begin the first of May and conclude with State Tournaments in July. For A & C, the top two teams in each conference advance to State.

When team travel is necessary, bus transportation is provided as well as hotels for overnight stays.  Players are responsible for providing their own food and beverages.  Other suggested items: cash or debit/credit card, water, sunscreen, and bug spray.

C Team: The van used to transport the C team holds 12 players so parents will be asked to assist with transportation to, in, and home from the town where a game or tournament is being held.

Each player will be provided with 2 team hats and 2-3 jerseys for the season.  Additionally, each player will need to have:
Pair of metal cleats
Pair of rubber cleats
Baseball glove
Batting helmet
        Pants (one pair of white, one pair of gray - no piping)

Players will be required to assist with:
Fundraisers - Poker Night, Rifle Raffle, 300 Club Raffle, etc.
Flag Duty - Place or retrieve flags on holidays throughout the year.  There is a morning route and an evening route.

Contact us

Laramie Legion Baseball

PO Box 626 
Laramie, Wyoming 82073
Email: [email protected]

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